Monday, April 6, 2015


Before I discuss the actual facts about King Orok, I'm going to discuss some of the myths around him. He has become somewhat of an infamous figure in history, and so many legends arose around him which are simply not true. Here are some of them.

#1. King Orok was put into power through violent revolution- This is not only untrue, but it doesn't make much sense. If a revolution went through to appoint a new leader, they would likely appoint a different political system than a monarchy. Otherwise, how would the revolutionaries have any guarantee things would get better? This myth mostly arose from his violent behavior later in life, which made people think he was violent from the start. That lead me into the next myth...

#2. King Orok was violent from the start to end of his reign- This is also not true, although I can understand how it became a belief. His infamous behavior later in life is certainly the most well known aspect of him, and so most people equate him as having always been like that. Surprisingly, he started out his reign as a very generous and just king, Halfway through his reign, he mysteriously went on bedrest for a period of time (accounts range from two weeks to five months), and when he returned he was in the violent mindframe that would last the rest of his career and put his name in infamy.

#3. King Orok was killed and an imposter took his place- Unlikely. While we have no way of knowing for sure, evidence from the time strongly suggests that he was the same person, based on sources ranging from handwritten accounts to paintings. One thing the sources do say, strangely enough, is that his voice had changed to a deeper, gravelly rasp after he returned from bedrest. This was most likely a result of the illness that put him on rest.

#4. King Orok was a demon- ...I'm not sure why I'm even entertaining this notion, to be honest. It's ridiculous. While he WAS very involved in the occult, he was very much human.

Well, that's four of the main myths surrounding King Orok of New Comshine! Later, I hope to bring you accounts of some aspects of the mysterious and bizarre life that he led.

Avery out.

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